Water Damage Restoration

Swift Carpet Cleaners offer a rapid response service to deal with your flood problems in a fast, swift, reliable manner.
Our experience can benefit you by reducing the risk and knowing what to look for in order to prevent mould and bacteria growth from within your home. Mould and bacteria are often present in carpet backing, underlay and sub floor. What you may not be aware of is mould growing in other areas apart from your carpet. Our team knows what to look for and will inspect other areas of your building structure as well as your carpet.
This home suffered a ceiling collapse and flooding due to heavy rain
High levels of dangerous mould had built up inside the property
Mould affected carpet had to be removed
Extensive mould remediation works were carried out by Swift
We can write up a full job report, together with photographic evidence to support your insurance claim. We will deal direct with your insurance assessor and claims department to ensure smooth sailing in regards to your insurance claim. Claims can often take quite a while, while approval is sought through your claims department. We will endeavour to fast track everything we can including carpet replacement.
Our team can also offer furniture removal, replacement and in serious cases we can store your furniture off site while your house is getting rebuilt. If you have furniture that needs moving and packing out please let us know that so that we can bring enough staff, boxes and moving equipment to get the job done in an efficient manner.
Flooding occurred in this home due to a drain issue
Water extracted and swollen floorboards removed
Subfloor cleaned and treated prior to the installation of drying equipment
Our extraction machine is one of the most powerful machines in Australia. We often pump out basements, sunken lounge rooms and extremely heavily flooded areas. Our pumps and extraction machines will suck out the water very quickly and will enable us to get your home back to how it was as quick as possible.
We have a large inventory of drying equipment including dehumidifiers, industrial carpet drying fans as well as South Australia’s first hydroxyl generator which can deal with any unpleasant odour. This machine will also sanitize not only your carpets but your whole home in the unlikely event of sewerage coming up through your drain pipes.
Should your carpets need to be removed and dried off site our factory has a state of the art drying booth which can dry the carpets in a matter of hours.
Carpet replacement is also a specialty of Swift Cleaning and Restorations. Our team can match the quality and in some cases colour of your carpet supplying a quote to your insurance company based on a quality match of your existing carpet. Our experience in this area will help to save time and money while dealing with your insurance company in an approved manner.
Your insurance company requires paperwork and reporting done in a thorough manner in order for your claim to progress. We have extensive experience dealing with reporting on your building and contents damage