Fire, Smoke & Soot Restoration

Nobody ever plans or expects to have their home or business affected by fire, soot and smoke. Until you have been in a property affected by this horrible disaster, it is not possible to fully understand the extent that entire building and contents will be contaminated with sticky, corrosive soot. The smoke damage is not removable by normal household cleaning products, so things can become over whelming very quickly.
A house fire is a very traumatic time for anyone to go through. The best decision you could make would be to choose Swift Restorations as your cleaning contractor. You will have a compassionate, friendly, well experienced team with strong work ethics and attention to detail. The right team will be a valuable asset to your disaster recovery.
Swift’s smoke and fire cleaning team will work closely with your insurance company, assessor and builder to help get your home repaired and back to normal as quick as possible. Our standard service is to provide an extensive damaged contents spreadsheet for your insurance claim to assist you get a fair and prompt settlement.
Swift Cleaning & Restorations are well equipped with the best specialised chemicals and equipment specifically created to deal with smoke and soot damage. Lingering smoke residue and soot will compromise air quality and be a danger for lungs, especially for those who suffer from Asthma or other allergies.
Latest technology hydroxyl generators are partnered with HEPA air filters to clean the air inside your home and remove toxic contamination and offensive odours.
Our electronics division will carefully inspect and clean internal circuit boards and components inside electrical items and where possible we will remove the potentially corrosive layer to avoid premature failure in the future.